About us

Personal Finance Tools

provides a collection of free tools to help you make more informed financial decisions.

Our goal

We want to provide free and easy to use tools covering a range of personal finance topics. There is a lot of information online but it can be hard to pick out the key points and make informed decisions. So our goal is to provide you with interactive tools that will hopefully enable you to make better personal finance decisions or simply satisfy your curiosity.

Who are we?

We are two PhD students studying in London, with a background in Aeronautical Engineering. We both share a keen interest in personal finance and financial independence. When exploring these topics online we found that although there are many blogs and affiliated content, there is a lack of simple, yet informative, personal finance tools and calculators, particularly in the UK (from our experience most tools are aimed at a US audience). Our goal is to plug this hole by providing a collection of free tools, tailored to the UK, focussed on a range of personal finance topics from choosing investment brokers to take home salary calculations. We are not affiliated with or paid by any company with the aim of being completely unbiased.

Is it free?

Yes, the tools on this website are completely free to use. If you like the website, all we ask is that you share it with your friends and family.

Disclaimer: Information provided on this site is for illustrative purposes only.
Do not make any major financial decisions without consulting a qualified specialist.